You are now an adult. You can't live without money. My parents are going to glow with pride when I say this. You were right for making me pick a minor. I'm even more thankful that it was a minor in business. If you're an actor starting out you cannot for a moment think that you are exempt from financial stress. No one is. So why are actors older than me unaware of basic financial principals? If you got them you can save yourself time and not read this and pat yourself on the back for being a well informed human being. Having four years of classes does not make me an expert in any way but I definitely found these tips have helped me in entering adulthood as an actor. 1. Understand taxes. This is a long one. They aren't as scary as you think. As an actor you can deduct SO MUCH of your expenses that are a pain to buy initially if you use them in a show. This includes those fancy Leducas, headshot sessions, driving to the theatre, leotards, AEA and SAG fees, and mo...
As an actor in the DFW community, I am finding there are many people who need help figuring out this strange business called show-business. From helping you make a budget to interviewing influential people in the industry, I hope to help people understand this industry a little better.