When it comes to choreographers, you know as an actor who has a natural instinct for this career. They can't just focus on the movement. It's about formations, functionality, but more importantly it's about the story being told through movement. It's rare to find a choreographer who incorporates all of those elements to really enhance a production. Christina Kudlicki Hoth is one of those rare gems. But as gems often do, it has taken years for her to become one of the most sought after choreographers here in DFW. Christina has been dancing in Dallas Ft. Worth for 27 years. "I grew up dancing doing, studio work and theatre primarily through school. I didn't do community theatre work until college while I was getting my dance degree. It kind of fed my need to do the singing and acting side while my main focus thirty hours a week was on dance." Before her "return" to theatre, Christina claimed numerous national awards for chor...
As an actor in the DFW community, I am finding there are many people who need help figuring out this strange business called show-business. From helping you make a budget to interviewing influential people in the industry, I hope to help people understand this industry a little better.