Wow this is going to be a hard one. Mainly I am writing this for accountability, because going through this alone is difficult. Also I am writing this to tell all of you beautiful people who have struggled with self love that you are not alone. Disclaimer: I am not writing this to promote an unhealthy lifestyle nor am I a licensed therapist. If you need advice in any of those areas I highly recommend reaching out to a licensed dietician and licensed therapist. However self love should be a thing all people should strive for no matter what size or body type you are. For the sake of not triggering anyone I will refrain from mentioning weight, diet tips, binging methods and sizing. This is my story. When I was 13, I went to my first ballet audition for Summer Intensives at the American Ballet Theatre. I was young and bright eyed and did not feel bad about my body yet. I was a young girl who wanted to be a ballerina and was very comfortable with my body. However that day ...
As an actor in the DFW community, I am finding there are many people who need help figuring out this strange business called show-business. From helping you make a budget to interviewing influential people in the industry, I hope to help people understand this industry a little better.