I am so excited to announce that my blog has reached over 500 readers and over 1500 views. It may seem like a small number right now in this age of Facebook and Instagram likes but it is a big deal for me. I wanted to let you know some exciting things coming up this season with The Acting Lifestyle. As I perform with more actors in the area and get to know more people in the industry, I am starting to realize just how many did not get any sort of theatre training, degree, or grow up doing any dance classes or voice lessons. They just started performing from the sheer love of theatre. These people amaze me. It's that raw talent that is unstoppable and joyful to watch because you know they are performing because they love to. However I feel these actors are at a disadvantage at times simply because they do not know all the insider tips that you learn in a training program or university. I see actors not know how to formulate a resume, pick a headshot, go to an audition with a...
As an actor in the DFW community, I am finding there are many people who need help figuring out this strange business called show-business. From helping you make a budget to interviewing influential people in the industry, I hope to help people understand this industry a little better.