Hello friends! I know it has been a while since I have posted my blog on social media. Some of my past posts have been political and due to the nature of this political environment I thought it best to not share those and leave it for those interested to read at a less tense time.
Let's get into it!
I have been starting to get really into low to no waste products. Amazon is a gift from above to find products that will cut down waste and cost. Even though these are replacing cheap everyday products, those cents and dollars add up! We don't have to wait for these items to hit big stores anymore, we just find these innovations on Amazon right when they are for sale.
So the first few items I want to showcase are popular products you can use to lower your waste . I will keep you updated on how I feel about these products as I go along. The links I have listed direct you to my own Amazon Associate's page where you can find the products!
1. Use dryer balls instead of dryer sheets!
Use natural wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets! I can only find the compostable dryer sheets half of the time so these dryer balls are a great alternative. Now these do not work better than dryer sheets, however they work about the same and you buy them once and you're done. I have found only one load that had one piece of clothing with static so far and I just rubbed one of the balls over it and it fixed the problem. Link here! Priced at $7.79 for six.
Pro: You just leave them in the dryer and create no waste!
Con: It's noisy so be careful when you do laundry to not wake anyone up nearby!
2. Use Silicon Baking Sheets instead of Wax Paper.
Okay I have to applaud Amazon for a very smart marketing move. They are making their own products under Amazon Basics and their products are cheaper than the competing brands. Smart one, Amazon. I actually am buying these now but I recently baked with a friend who had them and my mind was seriously blown. She didn't use oil and our baked goods didn't stick. Unreal. However my amazing mother did inform me that after a few uses you do need to use oil spray on the stickier baking projects just to be safe. Link here! Priced at $9.62 for two sheets.
Pro: Minimal use of oil and no more buying wax paper.
Con: Yeah you have to wash them. They are dishwasher friendly but top rack only.
3. Shopping Bulk and Produce with your own bags.
To be honest I'm going to make some of these myself however if you are not savvy with the sewing machine, there are really really really cheap, nice bags on both Amazon and Etsy you can use. Stop using those thin plastic bags when you shop and start using these canvas bags. Pro tip: when you buy the dryer balls above, keep the canvas bag for bulk items. It's the perfect size. They are lightweight so you will not be paying extra for the weight of the bulk items, and they are canvas so nothing falls through those annoying mesh holes. Link here! Priced at $15.89 for set of six, two of each of the three sizes.
Pro: No more non-recyclable, non-biodegradable plastic bags.
Con: May have to wash when they get gross.
Male readers: I'm sorry if you feel left out of this next one but if periods freak you out you may want to stop reading here.
4. Switch to the pixie cup and stop paying for tampons and pads.
Yes, this one was weird for me too. But hear me out. A woman will spend about $5,600 on tampons and pads over her fertile lifetime. Some pay even more (let me tell you NYC was not cheap) almost $8 per package of tampons that could bring that figure higher. You can change that. I bought a Pixie Cup (or also commonly known as another brand name "Diva Cup") on Amazon and I am forever a believer. So the concept is that you insert this cup and your muscles hold it in place while the cup has a suction-like effect. When I first tried it I was in a show and danced the whole show with minimal leaks. I will say there is a steep learning curve to find the right "placement" and size for you. When done you empty it and disinfect.
Why Pixie instead of Diva? Lifetime warranty and charitable cause. You can wear this and if it suddenly doesn't fit, you can contact the company to send you a different size or your money back. The charitable cause is that you will be giving a woman in need a Pixie Cup. There is a reason why some women in third world countries stop school at a certain age. They don't have access to hygiene products, so they stay home and miss school when they are on there period, losing weeks from school. Love the feeling of giving back to those women? Buy this brand! Link here! Priced at $16.95 for one. Ask for recommendations on sizing.
Pro: No waste, and no more buying tampons. Also holds two times more than the regular tampon.
Con: Heavy learning curve. You have to figure it out and practice but it isn't hard to figure it out!
There you have it! Some great products that will help you save money and cut down on waste all below $20! What a steal.
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