Vulnerability time. Not much fun, but I'm not one of those people that pretends life is perfect for a false Instagram-perfect-looking-life. These past few months sucked. It really took a toll on me emotionally and physically. It's interesting how your body tells you that you need to press your reset button. The bags under your eyes, tired all the time, anxiety, stress, nothing seems to make you happy, emotional fatigue, and just an overall feeling of "Meh!" After the time that I've had I need a come-back moment. As an actor that has a day job, I am constantly doing something on top of rehearsing and working. I have a relationship and friendships to keep up with, events to attend, network with badass women's groups, keep my apartment clean, eat healthy, and lately something is always going wrong with my car. To say I am exhausted would be a complete understatement. In my experience there are two different kinds of people that get caught up. There are p...
It may have been two years ago, but I still count moving to Dallas as one of the happiest days of my life. It was sunny and hot that day and I don't think I had that much Vitamin D in ten minutes than my entire time in New York City. I remember feeling completely surprised that a random stranger smiled at me and came up to talk to me. Seeing that Dallas skyline and my beautiful apartment, that was all mine still brings a smile to my face. New York was not the right place for me at that time in my life. It was clear that the market was flooded with talented actresses who would never be seen and die trying to live their Broadway dreams. Not literally die but you know what I mean. But it wasn't just the industry that jaded me against New York. The city can be an incredibly lonely place. Most people are in this success driven mode and will rarely take the time to get to know you unless you have something to offer. It made me feel as a human being, that my value was only in how...